Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why is Mexico Really Failing?

I'd like to dispel the propaganda that's being smeared around that the U.S. is to blame for the current implosion and explosion of Mexico. After all, say Mexican government officials and their media mouthpieces, if there weren't the demand for drugs in the U.S. and if "you" didn't export so may guns to Mexico the bad guys wouldn't be armed and everything would be peaceful". Not surprisingly, Mexico and the Mexicans who hold this view seem constitutionally incapable of admitting to Mexico's own escalating drug use, and the hypocrisy of its border with Guatamela: brutal for illegal immigrants, but welcoming to cocaine producing countries and yes, arms from countries other than the U.S.: China and India for example. But that's for another post.

For a reasoned and informative view, click on the following link: